This page contains development blog entries that I’ve written about my work for the MSc Video Games Development (Gamercamp) course. The original intended readers were my lecturers, but it should generally make sense for the wider audience as well.
In these reflective blog posts, I cover the programming I’ve done, justify my decisions and reflect on what I could have done better. They also contain a few entries regarding project management within our team, and our general approach towards teamwork.
Godsend Pre-production and Prototype (21 Sep 2015 – 23 Oct 2015)
This page contains development blog entries that I’ve written about my work for the MSc Video Games Development (Gamercamp) course. The original intended readers were my lecturers, but it should generally make sense for the wider audience as well.
In these reflective blog posts, I cover the programming I’ve done, justify my decisions and reflect on what I could have done better. They also contain a few entries regarding project management within our team, and our general approach towards teamwork.
Godsend Pre-production and Prototype (21 Sep 2015 – 23 Oct 2015)
Godsend Project Management #1: Defining Scope
Godsend Project Management #2: Planning and Tasks
Godsend Project Management #3: Programming as a Team
Godsend Programming #1: Character Controller
Godsend Programming #2: Pushable Blocks, Triggers and Animation
Godsend Programming #3: Refactoring the Collision code and Bitmasks
Godsend Production and Post-production (26 Oct 2015 – 11 Dec 2015)
Godsend Programming #4: Creating Entities in Ogmo Editor
Godsend Programming #5: Implementing an Event-Driven System
Godsend Programming #6: Level Asset Animation
Godsend Programming #7: Moving Backgrounds
Godsend Programming #8: Fire Traps and Knockable Pillars
Godsend Programming #9: Player VFX
Godsend Programming #10: Audio Implementation
Godsend Programming #11: Physics Optimisation
Godsend Programming #12: Memory Leaks
Godsend Project Management #4: Code quality, Rush and Impatience
Godsend Project Management #5: Burnout and Sustainable Pace of Development
Godsend Project Management #6: What we did right and what we did wrong
Xtreme Drone Racing R&D (4 Jan 2016 – 26 Feb 2016)
Homework Task: Memory Manager
XDR R&D #1: Teamwork and Management
XDR R&D #2: The Framework
XDR R&D #3: Collisions and Helpers
XDR R&D #4: Vehicle Mechanics
Xtreme Drone Racing Pre-production and Prototype (29 Feb 2016 – 20 May 2016)
XDR Programming #1: Vehicle Controls
XDR Programming #2: Proxy Input, Trick component, Boosting, Bullet Physics
XDR Programming #3: InputBuffer and Annotations
XDR Programming #4: Time Attack mode, Saving leader boards
XDR Project Management #1: User stories, Estimating, Acceptance criteria, Definition of done