

Email: mindaugas.kadzys@gmail.com

Phone: +447852658668

CV: Download PDF (Jul 2016)

LinkedIn: uk.linkedin.com/in/mindaugaskadzys

I am a postgraduate student studying the MSc Video Games Development (Gamer Camp) course at Birmingham City University. The course is designed by industry veterans to simulate a real games development studio environment, and as such, I’m currently occupied full time working on games in a team of 11 artists, 6 coders and 6 producer/designers using C++.

Tech I know and have worked with:

  • Sony’s PhyreEngine 3
  • Cocos2d-x
  • Marmalade SDK
  • Unity
  • Bullet Physics
  • Box2D
  • OpenGL
  • Blender Game Engine
  • LibGDX
  • Adobe Flash Builder

Programming languages I have worked with:

  • Games – C++, C, C#, Java, ActionScript
  • Web – Javascript, Html (and XML), CSS, PHP
  • Scripting – Python, BASH
  • Assembly – MIPS processor
  • Safety critical – Promella, Spark (Ada subset)
  • Logical – Prolog
  • Functional – Standard ML
  • DBMS – mySQL

I have also studied low level graphics programming in C/OpenGL, as well as high level modelling in Blender. In my undergraduate degree, I gained experience with C++ by implementing game sub-systems such as flocking, second-order dynamics and particle systems. I also completed a formal C++ course at gameinstitute.com to further my knowledge of the language.

I founded the Heriot-Watt University Game Development society in 12/2014 in order to improve the quality of games education in university. I am a fast learner and hard worker, and as such, have been the top student in all of my years of study.

In my spare time, I’m a cinema fanatic, board game geek and a gamer who loves innovative and memorable game experiences. 🙂